Shinryaku! Ika Musume Wiki
"Shinryaku! Ika Musume - Episode 06"
Season 1, Episode 6
Placeholder other
Air date July, 27, 2006 (LATAM, Discovery Kids Toons, in the block Simpson Entreprise), Sep 13 2008 (Spain) Nov 8, 2010
Intro "Shinryaku no Susume"
Outro "Metamerism"
Episode guide
Episode 05
Episode 07

Hīrō shō ja na-ika? (ヒーローショーじゃなイカ?)[]

Up for an inkredible Hero Stage Show? / Isn't That A Hero Show?
A hero show is performed on the beach for the kids, though the performers run into a bit of trouble when Squid Girl somehow manages to get everyone to cheer for the villain. When she then takes the costume for herself, Chizuru acts as a guest character to set her straight.

Based on Chapter 90.

Benkyō shina-ika? (勉強しなイカ?)[]

Squidn't you be studying right now? / Won't You Study?
Eiko is shocked to find Squid Girl is able to solve complex math problems. She reluctantly asks her to teach her how to study, only to find the technique is illegible to humans.

Based on Chapter 28.

Koi ja na-ika? (恋じゃなイカ?)[]

Is this inkfatuation or love? / Isn't That Love?
After Gorō rescues her from drowning, Nagisa becomes concerned that he may have been brainwashed into thinking Squid Girl is not a threat, leading to some strange misunderstandings.

Based on Chapter 61.




  • In the credits for this episode, the Demon Squid costume from the first segment floats in the distance.